King James

King James
we are all witnesses

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Olympic Marketers Happy

This past Sunday it seemed every household in America was watching the gold medal hockey game (reportedly more than 1 million homes). The winter Olympics haven't quite got the hype they've had in previous years. We can all agree from an American perspective, other than the hockey portion no one really cares. In recent years we haven't been very good in the hockey tournament. But this year that changed, after beating Canada in early rounds of the winter Olympics Americans all of a sudden began to believe again. From a marketing and advertising standpoint this was perfect. Because the gold medal game came down to the Americas biggest rivalry Canada. With those expected TV ratings, which were met, advertisers had the opportunity to capitalize on an event the USA team typically wasn't in. Better yet an event majority of Americans wouldn't even watch. So millions of hockey fans around America mourn over the loss, but I'm sure the media world was very appreciative for the opportunity.

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