Friday, February 19, 2010
Tiger has finally spoken...
Over the past 3 months Tiger Wood's name was everywhere. From cnn, to espn, no matter how little new information that had been gathered the news reporters were constantly updating it's viewers on Tiger's every move. To be quite honest I thought what he did was wrong but I was over it after the first week reports surfaced of him cheating on his wife. In this modern day of technology and media as a professional athlete, especially as popular as Tiger you have to be careful what you do. The media, endorsements and his plain out performance on the golf course made him out to be some superhuman that could do no wrong. This was clearly not the case. But I can't put all the blame on him. It's our fault as fans too, for putting him up on this high pedastool. Major sponsors such as gatorade, gillete and accenture dropped him leaving many reporters constantly asking if he could ever rebound from such a drastic downfall. This was a PR nightmare, probably the worst in sports since the kobe bryant rape allegation. But this week news finally came that Tiger after 3 months of hidding from the public was going to address his critics and fans, tell us all what happened, and what was in the near future. Everyone rejoiced, saying its about time, he's selfish for waiting so long etc but this was actually a smart move. When rebuilding his brand, that was that made himthe biggest hero in sports this decade (besides maybe lebron James), he first must attempting to regain the trust of his fans. The route he's taking to address the public is interesting. He will speak in front of a very select and private party where he has a prewritten speech, and no questions will be answered. This is great strategyin my opinion. Because this way before he is bashed in the media and more rumors arrive he can tell his side of the story, now whether the fans believe him or not is up in the air.As a NIKE rep pointed out I believe in a few years this will be just a minor blip on his career. But for now he has to start over, win, rebuild that relationship with his fans, apologize his ass off and hopefully soon enough this PR nightmare will all be forgotten and he'll still go down as the greatest golfer of alltime. Tiger Woods to speak publicly Friday - News - FOX Sports on MSN
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
This being super bowl Sunday I figured It is only appropriate to speak on the super bowl. From a marketing stand point, this can be a big weekend for many companies. The big game could be the largest advertising weekend of the year. On average businesses will spend nearly $2.4 million for an ad or commercial, that is a little ridiculous. The fact that the Superbowl(and pro sports as a whole) has become this commercialized is a joke. To point that out, ESPN has extended It's coverage to two entire weeks of coverage between its network and radio stations, as if there isn't already enough pregame following. The Marketing scheme of Superbowl week and or leading up too it is huge. It creates a large amount of profit and involves companies and many attempts of businesses to attract consumers like one wouldn't believe. The most interesting marketing strategy that stood out to me this week is Tim Tebow. Beyond his NFL stock dropping after a rough week at the senior bowl, he is reportedly going to be in an ad this Sunday. This ad is just attempting to reiterate his "intangible characteristics" that teams can't find from the average (more polished in my opinion) Qb these days through Tebow's "religious beliefs". This is just another prime example of how marketing in this day in age can be overwhelming. It's an attempt to maximize profit and gain an competitive advantage by creating "star power". But rumor has it the ad is one founded by a religious organization, we all Tim Tebow is a "Saint" and "Hero". Why must I be reminded on super bowl sunday. Will we ever be able to just sit down and enjoy the game again with out all the side shows and stunts? What do you think?
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